Don’t heat up polity, Lagos Assembly warns Obasa

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  • Don’t heat up polity, Lagos Assembly warns Obasa

Members of the Lagos Assembly have cautioned impeached Speaker Mudashiru Obasa against heating up the polity with his claim to a seat from which he was removed by majority lawmakers.

A statement by the House signed by the lawmaker representing Oshodi State Constituency I, Ogundipe Olukayode, said majority of the members stand by the decision of January 13, when they impeached Obasa and elected Mrs. Mojisola Lasbat Meranda as replacement.

According to Ogundipe, the same majority that elected Obasa as Speaker of the 10th Assembly last year removed him on January 13.

The statement reads: “It is imperative to clarify that over 2/3 of the members of the Lagos State House of Assembly are solidly united behind the new Speaker, Rt Hon Mojisola Lasbat Meranda, therefore we stood by the decision taken on the 13th of January where Rt Hon Mudashiru Ajayi Obasa was impeached and we shall defend our positions to the latter.
“As elected representative of the people of Lagos, we owe them good governance and harmonious relationship with other arms of government.

“The position of the House remains the same and nothing has changed. The position being canvassed by former Speaker, Rt Hon Obasa is uncalled for and unparliamentary.

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