Trump’s rule no be moin-moin (1)

“Remind me to tell you about the connection between cupcakes, Zee World and the Women’s Corner, later. For now, abeg let us concentrate and watch President Trump’s inauguration,” Sexy Jola told Sharon as she got up from where she was sitting beside Tinu to join her on the sofa by the balcony at Ada’s apartment on Monday evening.

Ada had invited us to her place to watch the United States President Trump’s inauguration together and that she’ll be treating us to her tasty baked beans (moin-moin) delicacy. On hearing that, those of us who were not working from home made sure we got back early from work to join the revelry. 

“But come to think of it, Trump’s rule no go be moin-moin,” Tinu said as the inauguration began on TV. Beyond the fact that Ada was a graceful host, we all looked forward to being part of the history-making event, even though we’ll be watching from Ada’s living room; we each didn’t want to miss sharing the moment with the girls. And this time, we had some friends from the estate, like Sharon, joining us for the first time. Mummy Pamilerin was also in the building. We had a full house, so much so that Christabel had to get up for Nurse Cordeliq to sit when she arrived. I too had to join Christabel, Ada and Mummy Fawaz in the kitchen to make space for another lady.

“I don’t want to’believe Ada’s moin-moin is what has attracted this number of ladies. I also do not believe that America’s presidential inauguration is that important to this women to draw this number. Because I don’t understand,” lamented Christabel.

“Why are you worrying your fine head so much over it, Chriistal. It should tell you how far the ‘Japa’ syndrome has eaten deep into our fabric as a people. Even those who have never left the country are now very much abreast with global goings-on and other foreign policies as it affects immigrants.,” I interjected.

“And who says it’s not my world-famous moi-moi that has attracted them. Lucky, I made enough extras else you girls would have been forced to give up your wraps for our visitors o,” Ada stated. I heaved a sigh of relief, and whispered, “Thank God!” I wasn’t sure I would be generous enough to donate my wrap, I mean Ada delicious moi-moi for the Ada’s “good cause” .

“What are you ladies chatting about? Is the moin-moin not tasty yet? You girls are missing out on some serious discussions happening out there,” hollered Jola as she peeped through the curtain. “As expected, they must argue over Trump presidency and what it holds for Africa, Nigeria and Nigerians in the diaspora particularly. Let them. We too have had our share,” Ada said, while reminding us of how we followed the US election closely last year. I remember there were different factions in the Women’s Corner. Some were for Democrats, others were diehard Republicans supporters. While those who were bystanders were forced to take a stand. It was as if we were in America. It was the same with our men. “I am looking forward to another evening of rich feast of words,” I said to as former President Clinton and his lovely wife, Hilary, walked in at the inauguration. I was glad there was a TV set in the kitchen else we would have been missing out on the historical event.

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