Clark: Time to commit to true federalism, says Afenifere

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  • Clark: Time to commit to true federalism, says Afenifere

Pan Yoruba socio-political organization, Afenifere, has said that the death of Chief Edwin Kiagbodo Clark was a time for greater commitment to the cause of a truly federal Nigeria where no group is oppressed

It said the death of Clark was another huge loss.

Afenifere described the late Clark as a nationalist and statesman with courage for a Nigeria of equal opportunities and the resultant peaceful co-existence of its constituent nationalities to achieve its manifest destiny as the leader of Africa and peoples of African descent.

A statement by Afenifere’s Secretary General Chief Sola Ebiseni said the late Clark dedicated his life, especially in the last two decades, to further unite and provide courageous leadership with his compatriots for the Ijaw nation through the Ijaw National Congress (INC) and the Pan Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF).

The statement noted that the strategic platforms were for identifying and protecting the interests of the multiple South-South ethnic nationalities within the Nigerian Federation.

It reads in parts, “Edwin Clark played a leading role in fostering southern Nigeria unity through the most celebrated “handshake-across-the Niger” and the formation of the Southern and Middle Belt Leaders Forum (MBLF) as a national platform for equity and fairness in national affairs.

“He did not only lead the SMBLF but also made his Abuja residence available as its secretariat as the venue and veritable voice for true federalism and assurance that no geopolitical zone is short-changed in the access to the leadership of Nigeria.

“In Edwin Kiagbodo Clark, Afenifere celebrates a life dedicated to the greatness of Nigeria and a voice which brutally and frankly spoke truth to power in its realisation.

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