Nigeria’s air traffic system at risk due to staff shortage — NATCA

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  • Nigeria’s air traffic system at risk due to staff shortage — NATCA

Nigerian Air Traffic Controllers Association, NATCA, has warned that there is a shortage of Air Traffic Controllers, ATCOs, in the country, saying there is a need to recruit and train.

The President of NATCA, Mr Amos Edino, lamented the excessive workloads, extended duty hours and stress suffered by ATCOs, saying it was affecting performance and overall well-being.

He spoke at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos.

The President said due to manpower constraints, ATCOs were forced to work beyond the standard two-hour shift per session, with some enduring continuous shifts of four to five hours.

According to him, the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, NCAT, Zaria, responsible for ATCO training was struggling with capacity limitations.

Edino, who urged government to revise the salary structure in line with international best practices, also raised concerns over occupational health risks.

He urged government to implement a comprehensive health care package to address these challenges.

While lamenting the working conditions in many control towers and operational rooms, he cited non-functional elevators that force controllers to climb over 250 steps daily to reach their workstations.

On Air Traffic Management, ATM, Edino said there was a need to upgrade the Total Radar Coverage of Nigeria, TRACON, system, stressing that “it has exceeded its intended operational lifespan. Designed for 10 years, the system is now nearly 20 years old, compromising its reliability, availability, and integrity. This is a defining moment for the agency. If NAMA successfully resolves these persistent challenges, it will leave a lasting legacy, ensuring that Nigeria’s ATC system ranks among the best globally.”

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