Another market gutted by fire in Sokoto as Ramadan commences

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  • Another market gutted by fire in Sokoto as Ramadan commences

Sokoto State on Saturday witnessed another fire outbreak at the popular Kara Market. The fire which started in the early hours of the day, engulfed the entire market, reducing several shops to ashes.

Though the cause of the fire incident is yet to be known, a team of firefighters was busy to bring it under control. As of the time of writing this report, occupants of shops and houses close to the market were busy moving out their goods and belongings for fear that the inferno would spread.

Meanwhile, efforts to speak to the General Manager of the market proved impossible as he was visibly seen running Helter skelter to ensure that men of criminals did not take advantage of the situation to loot.

Security personnel were seen at strategic places in the market to prevent looters and other men of the underworld from taking advantage of the situation.

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