NLC president slams power minister over migration plans

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  • NLC president slams power minister over migration plans

The President of the Nigerian Labour Congress, Joe Ajaero, has slammed the Minister of Power, Adebayo Adelabu, over proposelectricity migration plans.

Adelabu, during a budget defence session at the National Assembly on Tuesday, said that 90 per cent of electricity users in Band A have confirmed that they are getting the benefit of being in Band A.

However, Ajaero, a guest on Channels Television’s Politics Today on Thursday, condemned the idea of migrating customers from one band to another, saying that the practice is discriminatory.

The NLC president said the service-based tariff, which puts electricity users in different bands, is the highest form of fraud.

He said, “Now the ministry is talking about migrating from Band B to Band A. That is the highest level of 419 one can think of.

“Who is in Band A, and who is in Band B? Is it based on the geographical area that you have Band A or Band B, or is it based on the dictates of the provider?

“In countries of the world that are targeting 24-hour power supply, why would somebody be talking about Band A or Band B? How would it happen? So, that idea is concocted to make money unnecessarily and say people are migrated.

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