Police recover 85 stolen animals in Gombe

Gombe State Police Command has announced the recovery of 85 stolen animals, including 28 sheep and 57 goats, from suspected thieves.

The state’s Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Buhari Abdullahi, in a statement sent to our correspondent on Friday, hinted that the suspects were intercepted by local hunters along the Tulmi village cattle route.

Abdullahi said, “We received information from the village head of Tulmi that the suspects were in possession of the stolen animals.

“Upon questioning, the suspects couldn’t provide a satisfactory account of the animals, leading us to suspect that they were stolen.”

Speaking further Abdullahi noted that the suspects, Abdulkadir Tukur and Ibrahim Saidu, confessed to the crime during the investigation. Four owners have already identified and claimed 25 goats as their own.

While commending the local hunters for their role in foiling the theft, Abdullahi urged the public to continue supporting the police in their efforts to combat crime, saying “We are making efforts to arrest the remaining suspects for possible prosecution. The recovered animals will be returned to their rightful owners.”

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