Cristiano Ronaldo: I am the the best player in football history.

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  • Cristiano Ronaldo: I am the the best player in football history.

Ronaldo, the former Real Madrid star who now plays in Saudi Arabia, turned 40 on Wednesday and apparently has no doubt about who should be considered the best football player ever.

Cristiano Ronaldo projected himself as the most complete footballer to have ever existed, while emphasising his ‘unmatched’ range of scoring ability.

FC Champions League Elite match. | Photo Credit: Abdullah Ahmed/Getty Images

Cristiano Ronaldo projected himself as the most complete footballer to have ever existed, while emphasising his ‘unmatched’ range of scoring ability.

Ronaldo, the former Real Madrid star who now plays in Saudi Arabia, turned 40 on Wednesday and apparently has no doubt about who should be considered the best football player ever.

“I’m the best player in football history. I haven’t seen anyone better than me in football history, and I’m saying truth from my heart,” Ronaldo said in an interview with Spanish television channel La Sexta.

“I am the greatest scorer in history. Although I am not left-footed, I am in the top 10 in history for goals scored with the left foot. These are numbers, I am the most complete player who has ever existed. I play well with my head, I take good free kicks, I am fast, I am strong, I jump… I have never seen anyone better than me,” added Ronaldo.

The Portugal star holds most scoring records in men’s international footbaall, including most appearances with 217 and most goals with 135.

Ronaldo also spoke about his fabled rivalry with Lionel Messi in the interview. “I’ve never had a bad relationship with Messi. We’ve shared 15 years of awards, and we’ve always gotten along well. I remember that I used to translate English for him, and it was very funny. He defended his club and I mine, and his national team and I mine. I think we gave each other feedback. There were years when he wanted to play everything, and so did I. It was a healthy fight.”

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